May 12, 2010

Women's Responses to Partner Violence - Australian Bureau of Statistics

One of the most common forms of violence against women is that perpetrated by a husband or an intimate male partner. Partner violence can affect the physical, mental and reproductive health of those who experience it. Women who experience violence from their partner may respond in different ways. They may feel shame or self-blame, and cope by denying or understanding the seriousness of their situation. They may also report the violence to the police, and/or leave their partner. Some women may leave and return to their partner several times.

In 2005, 35% (or 28,800) of women who had experienced violence in the previous five years from their current partner had separated from, then returned to their partner at least once. Almost half (46% or 13,300) of these women said that the main reason they initially left was because of the violence.A woman may experience violence from a partner while separated from them. In 2005, one in four (25% or 46,7000) women, who had experienced partner violence and temporarily separated from their partner, reported that they had experienced violence from their partner during the temporary separation.
After ending a violent relationship, some women are stalked by their previous partner. Stalking refers to a range of activities, such as repeatedly waiting outside a person's workplace and/or home. 20% OR 65,3000 of women who had experienced previous partner violence during the last five years had also been stalked by a previous partner during this time.

Looking for a help from the police and /or turn to family, friends, professionals
In response to violence, women may seek help from the police and/or turn to family or friends, or professionals like doctors or counsellors.

The majority 81% or 245,000 of women, whose most recent experience of physical assault during the last five years was by a partner, said that they had told other people, such as family, friends, neighbours or colleagues.
Just over a third 36% said they had sought professional help, that is, from a doctor, counsellor, minister or priest.Just 77% or 50,700 of women sexually assaulted said that they had told other people, and 31% had sought professional help. The tow most common main reasons given by women who said in 2005 that the police were not told of the physical assault was that they felt they could deal with it themselves (40%) and fear of their partner (14%).
Almost two-thirds (63% or 71,3000) of women who reported the physical assault to the police said that the partner was not charged.

There are organisations set up to help people experiencing domestic violence:
If you are in immediate danger, call the police on OOO.
To find your closest source of help, go to: Click on ‘Take me to the Lifeline Service Finder’. Type ‘domestic violence’ in keywords.Type your suburb/town in ‘location’.
If at this point you just need to talk, Lifeline is happy to talk to callers any time.
Call 131114


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